<B>This stationery page contains an example of a link that displays an alert</B>
Please note that JavaScript is currently only available in Netscape Navigator 2.0 or later, and in Internet Explorer for MacOS version 3.0.1 or later. <FONT COLOR="931B15">Do not assume that all in your audience are using a JavaScript enabled browser.</FONT>
<A HREF="#"
onClick="window.alert('This is a special message to you!');"
onMouseOver="window.status='This is not a regular link'; return true">Example</A> of a link displaying an alert dialog.
<B>How to use:</B>
Use something like this inside the contents of your page to create a link that will display an alert.
<PRE><A HREF="#"
onClick="window.alert('This is a special message to you!');"
onMouseOver="window.status='This is not a regular link'; return true">Example</A>